Posted: August 02, 2024
In the Sunshine State, federal research labs like the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) and university research centers like the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) produce cutting-edge innovation. This innovation has been reflected in many patents, which have led many technology startups to commercialize innovative products.
Florida is excelling in producing patents for products. In 2020, Florida patented 5,513 inventions recorded by the USPTO. These innovations included over 4,000 utility patents and over 800 design patents. Aiming Florida for one of the Top 10 states for patent creation.
According to the U.S. Census, Florida is also climbing the ladder to becoming the first state in business startups. Startups are vital to the state's economic and workforce development. In April, Florida received over 53,000 business applications. Since 2020, there has been a startup boom, with more than 50,000 monthly applications.
Entrepreneurs in Northwest Florida are leading the way for the state to become an entrepreneurial hot spot. Two companies that have started up and done very well are AppRiver and ActiGraph. These two companies have used Florida's resources and excelled in their fields due to their Florida locations. From pioneering research devices to developing new software, business is booming in Florida.
Florida’s Great Northwest is the ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app economic development organization for the 13-county region of the Florida Panhandle. The organization's purpose is to promote Northwest Florida for economic growth and diversification, to advocate for economic development issues that affect the region, and to collaborate to improve ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥app competitiveness. Beyond our beaches, Northwest Florida offers business competitive, bottom-line advantages in workforce training, upgraded infrastructure, access to a host of defense assets, and a diverse base of industries that already call the region home.